What was the one thing, no matter how minuscule, that made you say fuck it and decide to leave your last job?

Mine was the way the privileged preschool staff treated others. To clarify, I worked in a daycare, primarily with toddlers. Because we had to operate within a ratio, no one ever truly got a real break. We were allowed to sit and eat our lunch and relax only when the children were sleeping.

I was usually alone in my room with 6 kids while the preschool usually had 3 staff for 21. I had a very loud and disruptive child that I had to rock to sleep first or no one else would go down. By the time I made the rounds and got everyone else settled, it was usually closing in on 1 o'clock...Right when the loud child would wake up. There was no worse sound in the world than him moving on his cot right as I sat down to eat.

After a while of this, I finally asked if the preschool side could take him sometimes, (ratio permitting), so I could have a break. One day he woke up and started YELLING and throwing all the toys I gave him and I was so stressed that I took him over. Not even two minutes later the lead teacher brings him back and says in the bitchiest voice possible, "You don't just get to bring him over here because you're too lazy to want to deal with him! He's not waking my kids up."

So...being called lazy when I worked alone and had to do ten times more for these children than the preschool teachers had to was one check on the list of many grievances. The other check was not even getting a fucking break and having to open up shop before preschool's nap time was even close to being over. So many things that that woman did irked me, but that instance of being called lazy when she pretty much got to sit on her ass all day was the final straw.

/r/AskReddit Thread