What part of history do you wish we had footage of?

Jesus, I wrote an appalling fanfic about those two once:

When Adam Met Eve

Adam tried to recall the past, but his mind was empty. He stood in a beautiful garden full of trees heavy with colourful fruit. Totally naked. His fingers twitched. He felt one hand with the other. His skin was smooth, unreal, all too real. He touched his stomach and felt sensations race to his ankles and groin. He looked down at his middle. His penis was large and powerful. God had made it that way. Then it occurred to him why he felt so odd. It was because he was perfect. Suddenly he was no longer alone: a little way off, shadowed by an apple tree, stood one just like him, yet different. She was soft and plump in places where he was hard. Her hair was long, so long. It curled around her shoulders and thighs. Her face was serene and blank. She walked towards him, and the sensations within his body rang again, though this time he was not touching himself. She stopped a few feet away and stared at him. A compulsion to make a noise troubled Adam. Suddenly he spoke: ‘I am Adam. Did God make you?’ The woman’s lips parted and she nodded, vague but comprehending. She reached out her hand, and said: ‘He made me for you. Come with me.’ Together they walked on fresh, bouncy grass, past flowers and trees and creepers. The garden was deep with shadows from the branches above them. The place was full of new life, new yet somehow eternal. The two humans stopped by a chuckling stream, and watched golden fishes dance and leap within it. ‘This is very beautiful,’ said Adam, nervous but happy. Then he added, ‘So are you.’ He looked at Eve and she smiled at him. Again the pulses tickled his feet and loins. ‘How shall we spend our first day together?’ ‘Let us eat,’ replied Eve simply. ‘I will go and fetch some fruit from the most bountiful tree.’ The woman set off and left Adam alone. Every feeling inside him was the first of its kind. The universe had never contained emotion, only intent, the intent of God. Now thoughts and wants rose within Adam’s chest, and he bent down to celebrate with the water, letting the pura run through his fingers. Further away, inside the lovely gloom of the garden, Eve searched for the most beautiful fruit she could find. Here there was every kind, ripe, colourful, and full of promise. Her senses tingled at the thought of pleasing Adam. Then she saw it: an exquisite trunk that seemed to be in the centre of the garden. Strong branches bloomed out and were clothed in mrytle foilage, peppered with brilliant red spheres. Eve could almost taste them, and hurried towards it. Then she stopped. She was not alone anymore. Someone else was here, and it was not Adam. It was a snake, long and muscular, sliding towards her through the luxurient grass. ‘How do you do?’ it said to her. Eve paused, then remembered her manners, or, rather, she found that she had them. ‘How do you do?’ she replied instinctively. ‘I am Eve.’ ‘Pleased to meet you, Eve,’ said the snake with a smile. ‘Would you like something to eat?’ Eve nodded gratefully, and the snake made a gesture with its head towards the bulging branches. ‘This is the most bounteous plant in the Garden of Eden,’ it said, almost proudly. ‘Its fruit is delicious and always ripe. Come, taste its sweet savor.’ A voice, recent yet receding, echoed in Eve’s mind, but she pushed it farther away until it was incomprehensible. All she could think about was the blushing, sweet-smelling fruit. Eve reached up and plucked two globes from a branch, and the snake slithered quietly away. Eaglerly Eve returned. Adam was still gazing into the water, and jumped a little when his companion returned. He smiled when he recognised her, and stood up to take a piece of fruit. Together they bit into the sweet, juicy ovals. The taste was divine. If this garden was full of such delights they would surely be happy forever. Eve laughed at Adam’s delight, and he began to chuckle too. Then everything was different. The garden became dark, disapproving. The smiles vanished from their faces. They looked at each other and saw that they were each experiencing the same doubtful confusion. Then, before they could begin to discuss it, God descended from heaven and took on an earthly form: a majestic, wind-swept figure clothed in white, with a face that resembled the sun. He asked His creations what they had done. Eve told Him. God asked her why she had done this thing, when he had expressly told her not to. Silently Eve remembered their prior conversation. How distant it had seemed when reverberating in her mind! Now it belonged to a lost past, a blighted oblivion. What had she done? Adam was both indignant and sympathetic. On the one hand he was terrified of what God might do, yet he felt his connection with Eve growing stronger by the moment. He stroked her arm comfortingly as she stared at the ground. After an awkward pause God informed them that they were damned forever, and that what they had done would have consequences for the rest of time. Adam and Eve stood rigid and woeful beneath the dark trees. The only light came from God, and after he had finished his judgement he returned to heaven, his holy light disappearing above the treetops. Eve turned to Adam and told him how sorry she was, but Adam was in no mood for vengeance or disapprobation. Eve joked that she wished God were as forgiving, and Adam laughed, a welcome sound to his wife. The place was almost pitch black now that God was gone and they were alone with their sin. Adam took Eve’s hand and suggested following the stream until it came out at a lighter place, so they set off together, and, sure enough, they eventually saw a spot of light up ahead. It was the sun shining through the gaps between trees. Dared they hope for a new start? Suddenly they were outside the garden. Behind them sat a paradise spurned. Everywhere else was rock and sand and wind. Feeling a pinch of defiance, Eve took the lead and pulled Adam along. They walked for some time, speechless and stupid with guilt and hope. Then Eve stopped and looked around. They were in a deep valley, with mountains rising on either side. The wind was less harsh now, but rain flecked their faces and both could see a growing anger in the sky above. The blue vanished and grey replaced it. God was still angry with them. Eve looked around, and spotted a dark recess in the side of the nearest mountain. She felt despondent to return to such inky blackness, but they had to find shelter somewhere. They walked over stoney ground, grazing their soles, and crouched down together inside the cave. The storm rumbled and growled, then lightning struck the arena of the valley. God was proud, vengeful, incredible. Adam and Eve witnessed the full scope of his powers. More lightning, more rain, more clouds, more thunder. God worked out his fury for hours before subsiding. Adam watched as the blue returned to the dome up above. Then he looked down at Eve, who was lying with her head on his lap. He felt so small and insignificant, yet, inside him, the well of affection for Eve made him feel stronger. He remembered God’s final words to them. They had a responsibility now. God was not going to make any more children. Humans were not meant to be perfect after all. The brief surge of flawlessness that Adam and Eve had been touched by would become diluted and impure from now on, not only in themselves but also in the children they would produce. God had asked them if they wanted to fill the world with others like them, and Adam and Eve had looked at each other. Their guilt was overflowing, but so was their love. They had to share it with other humans. Adam stroked Eve’s hair, and she opened her eyes from troubled sleep. Her hair lay over his penis. With a twitch it started to grow for the first time. God had not told them how to make more humans, but the spark was in them. It was instinct. Aware that they were continually breaking new ground, Adam and Eve did not feel pressured or scared about what they were about to do. Somehow the woman knew that she must nurture and coax this hardening, and Adam let her caress his testicles with her tongue and fingertips. Her skin was so supple! The elements had tried to damage her, but she was still beautiful. A faded and damned Eve was still better than that tree and its fruit. Adam was full of fruit of his own, and soon it was swirling inside his testicles as Eve slid herself over him. Soon the potion was ebbing up his penis, too, with early washes coating her insides. Then the build grew stronger, deeper, and Adam felt surges inside his chest, breathless, swelling, and he murmured into Eve’s rainy breasts, and she massaged the nape of his perfect neck, and then he was flooding into her, letting every feeling he had had rush and gush through her body. It was as if his soul had joined with hers. Eve moaned and whimpered, and came all over his penis, her juice running down his balls and onto the unforgiving rock below. From this… everything. Now they could laugh again.

/r/AskReddit Thread