What is people idea of c-section?

F those people. Seriously. Because either way, you're going to be in pain afterwards in one way or another. Physically and possibly emotionally too.

I had an optional C-section due to former sexual abuse. I accepted what happened to me and had "moved on", but being on full display while trying to be happy about my child's birth gave me extreme anxiety. I expressed to my OB that I felt I'd had a panic attack during delivery because I panic even during pap smears with one female in the room. Imagine me in a room full of multiple nurses and doctors. No thanks. I was finally having my first baby that I was told that my body could never carry to term with a man I love more than life itself. I wasn't going to explain myself to every single person that tried to fight me on the matter of my body and delivery. I walked into that OR with my head high and full of smiles. And when my daughter took her first breath of air, I rejoiced, just the way a mother doing "natural birth" would. I was comfortable and happy and that's all that matters.

As long as you and your child(ren) come out healthy and alive, screw what anyone else has to say. Birth is not easy, no matter what route you choose. I always tell people unless they plan on being my male seahorse and pushing out my baby for me, then buzz off. If they continue to fuss about it, they won't be around for the birth nor after the fact since they can't respect my decision on what I believe is best for myself and my child. Women's choices concerning their own bodies should be respected always. We go through enough as it is during pregnancy, no one else's opinion should matter.

/r/pregnant Thread