What is perfectly legal but creepy as hell?

I like this, but will argue for the sake of someone whose job depends on unwanted pregnancy.

Here goes.

Getting in a taxi is because you need to get home. Whether you live 10 blocks away or 500 blocks out in the sticks. You could walk, theoretically. But it would take you either 30 minutes to a month to get there. But either way, you gotta get home.

With a taxi, the risk of a drunk driver or a traffic accident is more than zero. It may be big if you get in the cab and joe your driver is clearly hammed. Walking? You might die of dehydration and exhaustion as you cross busy streets to get home on foot when you live a million miles away. You may get picked up by cops. Or a serial killer.

So. If you don’t like any of those options, what do you do? The only option is to do nothing. To sleep in the corner until it’s morning and you can drive home.

It’s not too far off from modern sex Ed.

Take a risk? Yep, take it.

Take more precautions but also a risk? Sure.

Do nothing? Yeah, I guess you’re safe. It just depends on if you’re willing to live your life that way. If you want to stand all night out on a street corner (abstain) you’re probably safe.

But what risks are you willing to take?

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