What personality type is a good match?

You're the most emotionally charged person I've ever encountered on any temperament related subreddit. You haven't used a single bit of logic in any of the comments I've seen.

Let's break it down.

I completely agree with you that it would be the optimal pairing for an ENFJ to have someone to care for them and carry them through their life so they have to do nothing.

This is an emotional response, which can be attributed to your past experiences with ENFJs. Tell me I'm wrong.

And of course, it's not like the INTP's suicidal feelings and impulses matter a damn because they're always depressed anyways.

A continuation of your emotional response to the mere suggestion that maybe ENFJs would go well with INTPs. You also betray your history of depression and suicidal thoughts, a distinctly irrational weakness of the mind.

You fucking douchebag.

This is a blatant insult with "fucking" placed in for emphasis. It wasn't enough for you to call him a "douchebag." He has to be a "fucking douchebag." And let's not forget what you were replying to.

/u/AdventurePee said:

I like this table, which suggests ESFJ, but I've also heard that it's better to have all letters be opposite except for N/S because it's easier for intuitives to communicate with intuitives and sensors with sensors, so that would mean ENFJ would be the optimal pairing for us.

How delicate are your sensibilities that this completely innocuous comment would set you off like that? Surely an NT rational would have better self-control.

Then, I allowed myself to get involved. I should have been concise and said only that "Your experiences with ENFJs do not define the temperament." But I made an appeal to pathos when I mentioned my mother and an appeal to logos in the form of an exception to your assertion.

In response:

Congratulations, you THINK like an ENFJ. Just like your mom.

A baseless assertion with no evidence to back it up. Heavy undertones of your emotional state throughout, mosot obv How unlike the INTP who enjoys explaining concepts to the point of boring others.

/r/INTP Thread Parent