What personality types makes the best romantic partners for INTP females? I've heard that ENTJ's are the way to go but i cannot get over the ego of ENTJ's.

I am on this forum r/redpillwomen and it really helped me with how to attract guys (especially these types) but it is still really frustrating me that I haven't "figured it out" yet. For example I got better at listening and letting the guy lead. But then if I point out he's wrong about some fact ohhhh watch out. I felt like he was the "girl" bc being so sensitive and upset over nothing!!! (I know that's stereotyping but these were really macho guys so the role reversal was odd to me.) A few times told me we were arguing when I didn't think so (I read that INTPs are easygoing until you challenge a core value and then we're really stubborn which surprises people.)

I'm trying to be better at communicating in my next relationship, but it's hard because I don't mind being alone and really don't care very much. I think INTP is an unusual type for women too so guys are surprised by us. I guess we just have to wait for the right person but I'm not even sure I'll be able to put up with him lol.

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