What do you personally like about India?

The only two things I like about India, is food and places. India is a beautiful country (if you are a travel freak)

Other than that, probably nothing else. But your problem is more deep rooted than that, you compare the lives of you and your friends, albeit on a subconscious level.

I too have missed several opportunities, for a better life and to move out of India, but tbh life is about settling for whatever you get. Wait, here me out for a second. I don't say that career isn't important, what I'm trying to convey is that, sometimes we put in all our efforts in the right direction but we can't make it. Failure exists. But passion for what you do should be of primary importance. Also, you should have regrets but those regrets should manifest in a positive way rather than them pulling you back to Oblivion.

Brooding over what has happened with you in the past, no matter how bad, will only make you so blind that you may miss opportunities further on in your life.

/r/india Thread