What 'phase' did you go through that makes you cringe?

It was like 3 years ago. I wrote a 90 page novella for NanoWriMo. It was about a kid who was schizophrenic and had abusive parents. After like... Chapter 9 or something, there was a tonal shift from the mundane to the magical. He "moved" to another town with his uncle and his family, at like 13 fell in love with his principle. His delusions were "real" and he was the "chosen one". I was extremely depressed at the time and took my feelings out on my writing.

All of the characters ended up brutally killed to symbolize him coming to terms with the fact that he was insane. Because after chapter 9, he didn't actually move in with his uncle, he went to a mental institution. All the named characters other than his family were other patients or therapists.

If I hadn't of went so grimdark and descriptive with the violence and did a better job at showing a disconnect between reality and his imagination, it could have been good. But having the main character hold his "principles" decapitated head at the end of the book, and just ending it there? What the hell was I thinking?

I want to go back and salvage it one day, because it was actually a decent enough concept. I'm just a poor writer, so I'm not skilled enough to fix it yet.

/r/AskReddit Thread