What philosophical (vs) concepts would you like to see explored? ie order vs chaos, logic vs emotion, good vs evil etc

In Paysris project, now almost a decade under construction, I have utilized quite a lot of themes from the history of philosophy. It's not even always a theme that is overtly explored, but rather is something that provides the metaphysical architecture for the fabric of the world. Because I want to keep my post short, I must resort to blatant namedropping and terminology. For that I am sorry, but anyone well versed in the history of western philosophy should get a hang of the themes explored. Any questions will be answered, I'm only happy to go into detail if somebody actually is interested in it.

Basically, the initial state of the cosmology is pre-Socratic notions of apeiron and Heidegger's interpretation of it; the theogony is based on the origin of consciousness as seen in Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis; and the development of said world through humanity is one of Hegelian Dialectics, except amped up to a more cosmic scale.

Humanity, then, explores existentialist and pessimist themes to figure out why being a separate conscious individual both sucks and is necessary. Why do I cherish my individuality when it only separates me from the world? How can I be responsible when I didn't choose to even exist in the first place? What would a world without misunderstanding and loneliness be like? What humanity comes to grips with is that we're all kind of stuck existing, and the recognition of each other under this condition becomes the ground for human henosis.

The end result that humanity is on a collision course with is either between subjecting humanity to the rule of the possibly returning demigod called Primordial Father, or humanity achieves the state of henosis (by dissolving the state of haeccity, the "thisness" of the mind) to return to a unified state of divinity (Lilith, from which humans once were derived) in order to banish said demigod and fly away beyond the limits of space and time to become the new apeiron, i.e. the god mind that sustains the world, and instead turn reality into the perfect world that we collectively always envisioned in our moments of despair.

And yes, it is basically philosophy turned into power fantasy.

/r/worldbuilding Thread