At what point did you actually realize that you were actually the toxic person in a relationship?

I always reflect while in a relationship right after whatever outburst. I know I can say hurtful shit with I myself feel hurt and it will come off the wrong way, I'm massively depressed but never tell anyone about it because the few times I have didn't end well so behavior might not come off the right way due to internalized stuff. However, I am the type of person that will reflect review and apologize when needed because I constantly keep getting with people who won't If I can recognize and apologize so can they which isn't always the case and that is fine lol I have a few toxic traits like I'll lie about eating your food like leftovers lol, It's hard for me to get motivated to leave the house due to depression on top of that I'm introverted so I know that can be frustrating but hey they should know how I am already right? why would you get with someone who you wanted to change immediately lol

/r/AskMen Thread