What is political slapfighting? The drama on /r/Jeopardy is daily doubled when mods sticky a tweet by Ken Jennings, Jeopardy! GOAT, supporting Warren and Sanders.

We have sane coverage and insurance and people don't have to worry about going broke because they have to do some checkups.

You didn't answer the question though. Is your country offering the coverage you claim all these other countries are offering and Bernie is promising in M4A?

I dunno man

Could have just left it at this, because you don't know. You got your soundbites and talking points on social media, and those work well for that environment. But you have nothing to go on when you're pressed for details or challenged on claims that you know are based on exaggerations and often lies.

I think some healthcare is better than no healthcare and until you show your healthcare plan is in place somewhere, then it's not healthcare at all. It's a wishlist.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent