What qualifies Rittenhouse for congress? Murdering liberals?

It's a religious war the right has started, and they see it that way. There is no difference between MAGA and ISIS. Both are now radical religious groups who use violence and fear to bolster support. They will do everything in their power to make the church the state.

If Republicans and Donald Trump win again, they will start arresting public figures indiscriminately, and there eventually will be camps waiting for us. They already openly discuss killing us with guns, and taking away our freedoms.

I remember when Bill Bar sent his thugs in unmarked vehicles to Portland and literally they were zip tying and putting bags over people's heads and taking them away.

The Nazis didn't imprison the Jews overnight, it was the failure of society and individuals who let small things slide one by one until the grip was too tight.

I know this sounds radical, but we literally have Republican candidates on TV with 50BMGs insinuating what we all know. They are indicating they want to kill us.

/r/WhitePeopleTwitter Thread Link - i.redd.it