What quote has actually stuck with you and changed your life?

While I agree with this concept, something I've had to learn is the fact is people are different. We are told to be politically correct and say they are not, to mindlessly echo off that we don't care what sexual orientation someone is when in reality if we really did not care just don't say it in the first place. Race does not determine anything really about a person, but culture does and people of similar race often come from similar cultures. Gender is a lot more direct, the fact of it is men and women are different. I very much agree things like saying "the first woman president" is bull, but at the same time the fact is males and females think and act differently. A lot of it is due to social pressure but often times the small "sexist acts" are rooted in logic. Just today I was with a group of friends and I was the only one of my gender and they all where talking about something related to their genitals and what underwear was most conferrable. After a little bit one of them apologized to me about it not wanting me to feel uncomfortable. I was the only one to get this reaction, I was being treated differently 100% because of my sex. I did not have a problem with the conversation at all but the thing is I assert that a large amount of men, particularly young men, are uncomfortable talking about things like menstruation where as a much smaller number of women are uncomfortable talking about it. I assert the same is true(though to a little lesser extent) that a lot of females, again particularly young females, are uncomfortable talking about in intricacies of a penis. Not everyone, but they had real reason to address that I might be uncomfortable with the conversation. More than just one off edge cases if you talk to someone of the different sex about it you will quickly find that things like how males and females handle emotion are very different. It's the same emotions, but felt differently. A male has logic and emotion in different "boxes". They come out and play and work together but fundamentally logic and emotion are different things. The description I have gotten from multiple males is it's a lot like a filing cabinet, with each thought being it's own file. A file might talk about another file, might be related to another file and might be on bright pink love soaked paper, but at the end of the day it's its own file. Female have logic and emotion much more interconnected. This is not at all to day females are less "logical", just that the way they go about it is fundamentally different(on average, as with everything said here there are exceptions). The description I've got from multiple females is it's like having a plate of spaghetti where everything is interconnected and the sauce is emotion that touches everything. For a female having a thought that has ZERO emotion in it at all is much more rare, and some can't do it at all. I can't exactly prove my assertions are true, but the fact is there is a massive amount of scientific evidence that shows men and women think differently. If you care google it. At no point am I saying a male is cold and emotionless and a female is a emotion crazed fool. Just that it is foolish to ignore the differences between males and females and blindly case them aside as "completely irrelevant". What should instead be done is have a culture that supports treating everyone with the same level of respect and accepts those differences but is not a slave to them. I'm ok with having my friends make certain that I'm not uncomfortable with the conversation, but once I show I am the question does not need to come up again. A person should be judged based on how they act, not on their gender. And to take it from a different perspective, dating or sex. If I have a good friend who is the same gender as me and we are both straight then I'm not going to ask them to fuck because neither of us are going to be into it. But if I have the exact same friend with the only difference being the parts they got there is a much larger chance I could ask them to fuck. That is a clear and fair example in which someone should rightfully be treated differently based on gender.

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