What is /r/Le_Pen? Seems to be a French offshoot of /r/The_Donald?

Jesus fucking retarded christ.

Of course we can :

  • The FN is linked to several fascist or straight neo-nazis organisations. Several of their most known politics have a past in the ranks of such organisation.

  • They have a very bad record when being in control of towns. Preventing medias from informing correctly, especially about their own abuses, using public money for their own, and usually fighting against anything helping for the poor people - including such things as subventions for cantine for the kids of poor people-.

  • They have quite a bad history of fraud and usage of public money for their own thing.

The part about restricting immigration is actually shared by many different french party ... but you wouldn't know that since you're a complete ignorant of the situation and basing your whole post on your feeling of what the situation might be. You're just completely wrong.

The problem with the FN is that they don't really bring anything else than the right wing, except maybe more hate. They are factual liars, manipulators, and abusers of public funding. Oh and they also have a bit of an history of making crimes and accusing immigrants. Because you know that's how nationalism work in the mind of those people.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread Parent