What random acts of kindness do you commit?

I'm gonna leave this random story that happend to me that I'm proud of.

So I was sitting at my desk, studying my school homework. I was a new student at the time, so I took it very seriously, lol. So there I am studying, and get a call on my cell. I answer, and it's an older lady, like gramma older. She's asking for a pharmacist, thinking she called a pharmacy and is asking about a prescription. I politely inform her that she has the wrong number, and hang up with her.

Couple minutes later, if that, she calls back asking for the same pharmacy (Walgreens, if I remember correctly). I inform her that she has me again, and not the pharmacy she's looking for. I bid her ado, and get back to my homework. Lo and behold, she calls me back, again, for the third time, and I answer (recognizing her number at this point). I ask her details this time of what she's trying to find, assuming she's older and maybe a bit our of her league on how to properly call the number she is suspossed to call. Kind of annoyed (again, new student, trying to study), I look up the address to the closest local pharmacy to her house so she can pick up her husbands subscriptions. I give her the information, and she is so embarrased and happy to talk to me, that I just cannot let her go. She goes onto tell me her life story, her husbands health history, her childrens life stories and everything.

By they time we let each other off the phone, we talked for a good 45 minutes. For me, that's along time to talk to a stranger, but she was so sweet, and I felt responsible for her after so many calls, I had to stay on the line. I forget her family members names at this point, but believe she shared them all with me. Eventually she let me go, gave me god blesses (I'm 100% Atheist, but she was so sweet, had to just go with it), and she went on her way. To this day, I randomly wonder how her and her hubby (who she was crazy about, as she told me) are doing. This was years ago now, but it sticks with me.

Just goes to show, how some random act of kindness, to just be empathic, can effect your life.

Sorry this was a long reply to a random CC post, but hope you enjoyed my story. :)

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