What is a rational solution to having to live with my ex-GF after she dumped me last week?

Reddit is just the same though? The main subs are filled with pointless pictures and memes.

Maybe it is because you follow ppl there which all want your attention Like lets be real, all reddit posts are for attention. You follow subs that people post in for attention. Reddit isn't superior in that sense.

Of course, you can tailor reddit to your interests, which we all do, but to an extent you can with Instagram and Facebook too.

On Insta you can easily follow and block different accounts and hashtags and tailor your feed pretty similarly to reddit. Of course, it's all picture based, but so is a lot of reddit. Reddit definitely has more discussions (but you never really mentioned that.)

Facebook is a wasteland but with adblock, and again, following and blocking certain things, you can tailor your feed pretty well. I use Facebook daily to check the news. I don't post on it, but I'ce tailored my feed pretty well to only show the shit i want to see 99% of the time.

Snapchat you can't really, but snapchat is a completely different social media to the others you mentioned.

So yeah, use whatever you want, but the whole circlejerk about how reddit is amazing and totally not vapid and shallow at all compared to the normie instagram gets tiring

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