What was the "realization" moment in your life, that made you decide to make a change?

Well, I’ll put together what I can from my three trips that were done within a three day span.

First, I went through a series of places with tons of shapes and colors that constantly moved and spun. Then I burst through to some vast, open space where I saw a blue lady with millions of eyes around her, with one in the center staring dead at me. Then I was in a room with these jesters that were dancing and spinning around, but there was one who was crouched over a box that kept looking back at me from over his shoulder that kept shaking his head at me telling me to chill the fuck out and let go. Afterwards these little balls of light swarmed me and kept trying to take me somewhere else, but I couldn’t let go yet, but they were cool about it the first time. Then I was in some other place with the greenest grass I’ve ever seen. There was some woman there, who showed me something and told me I couldn’t take the memory of it back with me, and all I remember is being super content about that. Now here’s where things become....unbelievable. So after what I described above, I took a lot more, and things got extremely weird. My fiancé had left early that morning for a trip to see her family. I was home alone, and ripped my rig in a dark room and fell back after a third, monstrous pull. The light things swarmed me again, and then there was something else. And it was talking to me. It told me that my fiancé was no longer with me, but I knew it didn’t mean in the sense of being in the same room. Then it told me that everything would be taken for me, and that if I wanted it back, I had to let go. At this point, I had a complete freak out. They took my humanity from me and made me feel what it was like to not be alive. When I came back to me body, I had not a single memory of who or what I was. I remember looking at my arms so curiously as if I’d never seen them before. All at once it all came back to me, while at the same time I watched my house come together piece by piece. After what seemed like forever had finally passed (it was actually about 7 minutes on “real” time) I had called my friend over Bc I had such a doomed feeling about my life and my fiancé. I told him all that happened the best I could. 30 minutes later, the clock hits 12 am and it’s officially my birthday. At that very moment, a text comes through on my phone from someone I never speak to. It was a screenshot of my fiancé bragging about her affair and how she went on her trip to meet her lover. The crazy part was, I had this overwhelming feeling of “I knew that”. The following days, I wasn’t able to be mad or upset. Just kind of numb. But all that kept playing in my head was that at some point, they told me that I had to “be better”. Kind of vague, but that’s the best I can do with words. I knew that I had to be better in every way, and it’s almost as if they helped me. I would find myself in situations, like where I’d usually smoke, and I would just hold the bowl in my hand and have no urge to smoke it. It just didn’t matter. The same with cigarettes.

This was three months ago. After the first month, I still had some issues with stress and took a hit, and quickly realized it’s not for me anymore. I still have to do things to keep myself in check simply Bc I have an addictive mind, but If it weren’t for my “trips” I don’t think I could of ever done it.

So, although my trips didn’t directly relate to not smoking weed, I was able to stop in a time in my life where I was truly thrown into hell. For anyone interested, since then, my life has been nothing but amazing. My fiancé also took a few trips, which were eye opening for her. She’s a completely new person. This stuff has given me everything I’ve wanted, but at an extreme price. If this doesn’t really help anyone with their addiction, hopefully it was an interesting read!

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