What Really Happened At The Vancouver Slut Walk

She positively radiates narcissism.

Pretty sure that's a prerequisite when it comes to the radical feminist types. A lot, if not most of the very vocal radical feminists I've met seemed to have some sort of personality disorder like that. I used to roll with the progressive activist-types and feminist crowd, well still do quite a bit, so I've met a number of them. Don't get me wrong, despite what some parts of reddit will have you believe, 99% of people that identify with feminism are chill, down to earth and rational people. But there are some whose whole identity revolves around their extreme beliefs.

I had dinner with a few friends once and one of those types tagged along. Every single thing she said was either negative, ridiculing others, woe-is-me or otherwise all about themselves. Every. Single. thing that comes out of these peoples mouths is either aggressive or unnecessarily defensive. Completely killed the mood and made it so none of us could enjoy ourselves. It seriously was the worst dinner outing I've ever been to. It was embarrassing by proxy, frustrating and god damned infuriating all at once.

It's a shame, because they're so vocal that they make it seem like they represent feminism and discredit it to people that don't know better. They're so wrapped in themselves that I honestly they don't think they even care that they're hurting their cause, they only care about it in how it's part of their identity. I almost feel sorry for them, until them spewing shit snaps me out of it because, it's like, they're stuck in a bad trip, if that makes any sense? It seems like they think everything that happens around them is about them, or somehow an attack on them or their principles, and they're going to wind themselves up until they snap.

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