What do you really want to try to cook?

You got a bunch of replies but maybe I can offer some advice. I learned how to make pizza from an Italian friend whose parents own a pizza place in Milan. Making pizza is easy, you just gotta plan a little bit:

  • Make the dough about an hour before you want to eat, the needs to rise to allow the yeast to add some air into the crust. Otherwise it'll be too dense and either be hard to eat or soggy because it won't bake right. Add a little salt and oregano to the dough after it's risen.
  • Go light on the cheese. A lot of Americans go way overkill on cheese. It's not supposed to be the entree to the pizza, the dough is. Either get some soft (in water is best) mozzarella or sprinkle lightly with the bag stuff after your toppings are on. It seals the toppings on too so they don't burn and fall off.
  • Most important piece: bake HOT. Pizza should be baked at between 400 and 500 degrees, especially if you have a thinner crust. I usually use a cake tin as my pan and it takes about 9-11 minutes to bake properly.
  • Let it rest a few minutes after taking out of the oven.

I've never used a pizza stone but I don't think you need one. If you bake hot, you'll get your desired result. Good luck!

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