What was the reason behind the last time you cried?

My dog got put to sleep a few weeks ago, just three days before her 12th birthday.

We took her to the vets for an emergency operation because we thought she had pyometra and the vet was confident that we caught it in time, then a few hours later the they called and told us it was bad news and that she had bladder cancer, so my mum made the decision to put her to sleep while she was still under.

Breaks my heart because she was still so happy and youthful and I never even imagined that was going to be the last time I saw her. I can't stop thinking about her last conscious moments when she was crying and trying to jump into my arms pleading with me to take her away.

I still have her daughter which has been a big help because it's like a part of her lives on but I also feel so bad for her because she's never been separated from her mum since birth for more than a day and every now and then she will run into all of the room in the house checking all the hiding spots in a panic looking for her.

God I miss her.

/r/AskReddit Thread