What is the reason that so many people cheat on their partner nowadays, is it because it has just become easier to?

I think relationships just get more and more shallow these days. Maybe it is because we became more superficial through media, maybe it is because of a shift in paradigm when it comes to building families, which many people don't prioritise anymore. I think we live in a world now where convenience is everything and the majority of people I know simply rush into relationships because they don't want to be alone or because they simply got offered the chance.

I believe people tolerate too much bullshit from their partners too. I see so many couples where I think these people would be better off alone when all they do is have conflict and a boring life together. Shit like this leads to infidelity because these people lack the courage to do whats right and break up and find somebody more suitable.

And then there are just gigantic asshole people who lack human decency and cheat. That is probably the more obvious reason ^^

/r/AskReddit Thread