What is the reasoning of being permitted to drive at 16, age of consent 18 and legal drinking age being 21?

As others have said, driving is more important here than in some other countries (as many of us live more spread out), so it makes sense to have a lower driving age, out of necessity. On the other hand, young drivers and easily available alcohol don't mix well, and drinking is of course less of a necessity than driving, so a slightly higher drinking age makes sense too. The drinking age was 18 until the '80s, and drunk driving incidents did decrease -- by some estimates, quite substantially.

And for the record, the drinking age is fairly porous. In most states, it's actually the purchase of alcohol by 18-year-olds that's prohibited, and drinking in some circumstances (e.g. with of-age family members) is permitted. And drinking by college students, even below 21, is pretty much ubiquitous. The biggest effect of the 21-year age limit seems to be more to keep alcohol out of the hands of even younger people, like 15-16.

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