What the RedPill Should be.....

On the same discussion, we shouldn't be de-legitimizng the millions of actual rape cases that got a lot of help from the MeToo movement. It helped a lot of backlogged rape kits get processed which helped catch A LOT of actual rapists (especially ones that were already in the criminal system thus catching repeat offenders), bars/clubs started to widely implement safety measures to keep people safe, allowed people to share their stories openly (many of whom that spent YEARS keeping it to themselves and not getting the help they needed because of how it's perceived publicly), and help the public realize how big of a problem rape really was/is.

With about 6% of claims being false, we should focus on the 94% that are and help those people out. Focusing on the low number of false reports does such a disservice to victims.

/r/exredpill Thread Parent