What response do you have, if any, to Chomsky's opinion on the so-called left criticism of science?

Insofar as that statement is true, it rests on our being able to identify common elements to all Christianities like belief in a god or faith and dogma as a justification for knowledge. My contention is that there aren't substantial common elements to postmodernism that we could critique or praise it all on the basis of, and so intellectually productive conversation has to be more specific.


Of some thinkers, but not others. For example, the biggest postmodern influence on my feminism (and quite a few others...) is Foucault, but I'm yet to see anyone make that charge stick against him (and I have read several attempts).


I was referring to this transcript from your OP. I don't like watching clips where intellectuals discuss things–it's much easier for me to read so that I can go at my own pace, easily jump back to certain points, etc.

Yes, we're talking about the same thing, but maybe there's some confusion here. I'll try to clarify. Whether you watched the video or read the transcript, my point is that I agree that there isn't much in the way of an argument given during the interview. This is why I referred to it as "Chomsky's opinion". The arguments are given elsewhere (mostly by other people) in what has come to be called the science wars.

A critique of the culture can't be leveraged into an argument against feminist theory, unless you want to argue that the culture has completely determined all of the arguments to bear common flaws (in which case it would be more productive to take the arguments on directly).

I'm not entirely clear on what you're saying here, but this statement seems too strong to me.

Does this culture exist and pose a problem? Sure, to some extent, but I generally don't think it does to the extent that it is often made out to be.

I think it's likely that it's much more of a problem than it's made out to be. In that respect I agree with the interviewer more than Chomsky.

Posed at the vague, cultural level though, that's about as concrete or helpful of a statement as one could make. If we want to make serious statements about the success or failure of feminist theory due to its connection to postmodern thought and rhetorical strategies, we have to start talking about how specific people and specific ideas succeed or fail and why.

Is there a non-religious field of study or a school of thought that you would feel comfortable disregarding as nonsense, without addressing all of its arguments point by point?

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