What is the reward/goal of doing well in residency if you're not applying fellowship?

Who hurt you? Seriously? No wonder your username has butthurt in it.

I asked a simple question. What else is there to doing well in residency besides a good fellowship.

Everyone here responded with informative answers spanning from getting better skills, earning a better reputation, and overall bulding better connections when it comes to applying for jobs.

You on the other hand felt the need to be an asshole to a random medical student who doesn't know anything about medicine and how it works afterwards. I'm the first in my family to even go to college and got to where I am by working my freaking ass off and I'm proud to say I'm a student at a T15 medical school.

Do I ask naive and questions at times on reddit? Yeah. But I don't have anywhere else to go.

So instead of being an asshole who wants to judge my entire personality based on 2 random ass posts they saw about me and tell me whether I should apply into a specialty; how about you go stay in your miserable hole instead of being a dick and judging a student who obviously knows nothing about how medicine works once training is over and is just trying to get a sense of it.

/r/anesthesiology Thread Parent