What was ruined because too many people started doing it?

I can identify with this. I live in a Dutch tourist area. We're flooded with tourists that come to take selfies with the flowers. The farmers and government post signs asking people not to go into the flowers.

Every field is inundated with tourists snapping selfies, walking on the flowers, picking them, or even riding a bike through. I tell off tourists every time, and no one gives a shit. When they walk between fields, they risk carrying bulb parasites and diseases between farm fields. It takes three years to be able to raise a bulb, split off the babies, then sell it. A farmer has to destroy an entire field once it is infected. They flood the fields, leaving it useless. Flower farms already have difficulty surviving. It is more profitable to sell off their land and let it be used for mansions. The historic Dutch bulb fields are turning into housing partially because people cannot behave themselves. The native Dutch and foreigners are both guilty of this behavior.

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