What’s it about death and money that makes us so uncomfortable?

I think it’s that death will usually impact on someone negatively, it could be the individual because they don’t want to die or the friends/family who feel they’ve lost part of their life. So talking about it is likely to make someone feel uncomfortable because they’re imagining a scenario they don’t want to happen.

I think money is a more complex issue, people may not want to be judged based on their wealth or lack of. For example, people with a lot of assets and good income may think sharing that information could come across as arrogance.

I also think it may not actually be that people are uncomfortable but apathetic about money. I think for many people money is simply a means to an end, the money is only as valuable as what you can buy with it. So if someone already has most things they want and a healthy reserve of savings, money then becomes a meaningless topic for discussion.

/r/AskReddit Thread