What’s an unexpected cool thing that made your life richer?

I didn’t wanna say the forbidden word (keto) because people love to bash it. But head over to r/keto and there’s lots of info. I basically just that day started eating only meat and vegetables. You can do it any way you want to, but I do super veggie heavy. Most people hate on it because they think it’s all bacon and cheese. It has been the easiest way to loose weight that I’ve ever experienced. I’m not restricted AT ALL. I can eat this way for the rest of my life and love it. I had pancakes for breakfast this morning! It honestly doesn’t even feel like an achievement because it was just so damn easy, and thank you:). Maybe because I didn’t eat much sugar to begin with. As long as you are willing to cook your own food you can still eat sweets that you make & pizza & almost anything you already love. Just jump! You’ll be amazed.

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