What’s been your biggest win / manifestation?

I understand what you are saying and I, too, do not think of individual separation, however, I do believe we are individual and collective at the same time.

Just as you and I are both connected to each other through the very fabric of whatever "makes up" the metaphysical world we also simultaneously exist as independent...yet still connected.

If I am God and you are God then we are all God collectively and the Universe is the proverbial glue that connects us all with the God essences and each other.

I also feel there is a much higher energy out there that I am a part of but that is also separate from me. I can physically feel it.

Hopefully that explains it a bit better. When I said I trusted the Universe I was metaphorically saying I am releasing myself from my limiting actions and trusting myself to deliver whatever was truly manifested. I.E. The collective Universe both as me being a part of and it being its own identity as well.

I'm sure anyone reading that from an outside point of view may think it sounds disconnected but to me it feels like complete balance.

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