What’s So Dangerous About Jordan Peterson?: Not long ago, he was an obscure psychology professor. Now he leads a flock of die-hard disciples.

JBP fan here. I have trouble getting any responses to criticisms of Peterson in the JBP sub. Either they don't respond or they downvote.

I think online they act like cultists, and maybe in person too. But there's a lot of us out there too that are perfectly happy to pick him apart.

I think a lot of people latched onto him because he's way better at articulating their viewpoints than they are regardless of whether the argument is right or wrong. So they kind of hold him up like a cardboard cut out whenever anyone comes out in opposition to them.

I'm really iffy on most of his political opinions. I'm basically a liberal. Jordan Peterson is a libertarian, though he can call himself a "classical liberal" all he wants. So, I don't hold him in the same regard as the other JBP fans do.

But, I do love the way he talks (when he's not rambling on into incomprehensible abstractions). Sometimes he's making a point I completely disagree with but he makes the point so well I can't help but admire him.

But really, it's when he sticks to domain which he has the most expertise in when I really enjoy him. I love his psychology lectures. I love his "self-help" lectures when it doesn't get too political. And I know he views the world through that psuedo-scientific Jungian Archetypal lense, but it's still interesting nonetheless. And honestly I'm better off in my life having found him than where I was before.

I just try not to get too caught up or mired in his political side.

/r/enoughpetersonspam Thread Parent Link - chronicle.com