What’s the deal with the hate on Bill Gates promoting altruism and sustainability for the future?

Answer: I think for a lot of people the fact that he is a billionaire, and a multi-billionaire at that, is sufficient to classify him as evil and immoral. You do not just accrue that much wealth accidentally. The difference between being well-off and being a billionaire is not how good of an idea you have or how smart you are, it's how willing you are to be ruthless, to pay the people who got you there as little as possible, to engage in anticompetitive practices, to step on others, and take more and more and more and more. It is not possible to do it without these practices.

Furthermore, his fortune is over $101 billion.

The cost to end world hunger by 2030, according to the World Food Programme (WFP), is estimated to be around $40 billion.

He could end world hunger twice.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread