What’s the dumbest thing you’ve done while stoned?

Not me but a friend of mine from years ago. This is two instances of massive stupidity.

So a few buddies and I would always smoke at my place which was pretty much the hangout spot. Another friend lived with me at the time and we all worked together so it was a pretty nice setup for all of us. One friend decided that he was gonna cook something instead of doing the usual munchies and had brought over actual food to cook in the oven.

He preheats the oven and then we sit down to smoke some forgetting about the oven until quite some time later. He returns to the kitchen and I go back to my desk to check some shit on my PC while my roommate goes back to playing games on the TV. Friend in the kitchen asks where I keep my pans and I tell him under the stove in the broiler.

I hear him say okay, hear the broiler open, he acknowledges how hot it is by saying "Jesus Christ it's fucking hot in there!" before he proceeds to reach down and grab one of the pans. Now this pan in particular had a grooved edge that was perfect for hooking your fingers under so as soon as he grabbed it and went to pull his hand up he pretty much carried the pan with him the whole way instead of immediately dropping it.

I turn around to see him howling in pain jumping up and down trying to coddle his hand but unable to because he just burned himself. By the time I came over it was already starting to blister and he ended up with second degree burns across all four fingers.

The second time also involved cooking though this time he was boiling water to make pasta and instead of asking me for where the pot lids were he just put a plate over the top of the pot. Then instead of asking me where my oven mitts were he just took a big handful of napkins and picked the plate up off the hot off pot.

All I hear is "OH SHIT!!!" as a plate smashes to the ground shattering and I turn around to see my friend standing in the kitchen, flaming napkins in the air, and pure panic on his face as he keeps trying to catch the flaming napkins burning his fingers in the process instead of just letting them fall onto the tile floor and making sure they didn't land on the counter.

Then he cut himself cleaning up the shattered plate.

Good times.

/r/trees Thread