What’s the fastest you’ve quit a job? What was the reason?

Last job I “quit” quit was at Sam’s Club when I was 20. I worked in the cafe. I wanted to quit after the first day but I thought I needed the money.

My boss was both an asshole and a complete moron.

Asshole: The first day was all watching training videos. It took me about 6 hours to get through them. I had two hours left in the day. So I went to the front to help in the cafe. I ask my boss what can I do to help. He tells me to go make a sundae.

-“Okay. Where’s the ice cream? How do I make one?” -“Are you an idiot? How do you not know how to make a sundae?!”

Remember this is my time interacting with this guy.

Moron: Our schedule was written on a white board. He somehow has me down for working 51 hours on my second week. It’s a 40 hour a week summer job. I tell my boss that he has me scheduled 11 hours over. He goes to change the schedule. He completely changes it for everyone. He somehow messes up worse and now has me working 59 hours. I tell him about it. He gets angry.

Anyway I was there for 14 days. I slept in one day when I was supposed to work. I saw that I woke up 2 hours into my shift. Instead of rushing to get to work with an apology, I just went back to sleep.

/r/AskWomen Thread