What’s a great book you’ve read recently?

I'm currently rotating between three books that are all pretty good!

Cows by Matthew Stokoe, it's very bleak and gross. I'm almost done with it and personally, I love it! If you enjoy reading about human depravity and want a fast read, I highly recommend it.

The devil of Nanking by Mo Hayder, this one is just so easy to read. The intrigue is fairly obvious but there is just enough mystery to want to continue reading until the end. You follow two different stories (which I enjoy) and it never gets boring. It's not anything ground breaking, but it's a fun read!

We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families by Philip Gourevitch, this book is AMAZING. It's about the genocide in Rwanda (during and aftermath), it's not fiction. The writing is beautiful and it's very interesting. The content can be highly disturbing but it's worth it, people shouldn't forget what happened there.

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