What it’s like to live, work, and date as an Asian man in America

the idea of the oppressed Asian woman seeing the light of Western civilization, rejecting her family for the bright future of independence and a White life-partner.

Isn't this the outline of every Amy Tan novel, lol?

I've had very interesting discussions with some Asian women here on Reddit, and one made a great observation about how it's not only the White men with their obvious White savior complexes towards Asian women, but White women as well. The WW sees the AW as a friendly and pliable demographic that they can mold into their own image in order to reaffirm the primacy and desirability of the WW's ways. Of course, the WW is still queen bee and gets her pick of the most desirable men, but the AW is allowed into the club (even access to lower status WM) so long as she knows her place and adequately flatters the WW.

What is curious to me is that I feel this same phenomenon occurs with South Asians in the US. See: The Mindy Project, Indian arranged marriage plotlines such as on New Girl or even Sense8...

I think White people are just confused as fuck as to what to do with South Asians, haha. On one hand, they're "Asians" with similar cultural stereotypes as East Asians (e.g. nerdy, traditional, fobby, etc.). But their faces look kinda White! But their skin tone looks Black! Their religion is sometimes "Middle Eastern"!

If you browse TRP or Asian Masculinity, you'll find plenty of South Asian guys who have the same types of complaints as East Asian guys. But on the whole, since WM don't covet South Asian women, I think society just tends to ignore or mildly ridicule South Asian guys, as opposed to gleefully emasculating East Asian and Southeast Asian guys.

/r/asianamerican Thread Parent Link - medium.com