What’s the longest amount of time it’s taken you to get over an ex?

Letting go has been one of the most difficult emotions I’ve had to learn to overcome. It’s taken me years to get over some awful people who have screwed me over. What has helped me is seeing how karma plays out as those who harm others often get what’s coming back to them. In many cases it isn’t good.

In the case of an ex wasn’t a friend either as he uses people a narcissistic asshole (and I truly believe he is a sociopath), he was in miserable relationship with a boyfriend who he said was screwing around (truth came out later he starting fucking around first before the boyfriend got even) slept with all of his friends, they eventually broke up, his ex got happily married to someone else 6 years blissful, became successful businessman-then tragically died in an accident.

It must be awful to wake up every day knowing that the man you love you are no longer with, blissfully married someone else happy 6 years, lived his dream and then died tragically. Worse throughout that ordeal, you are repeatedly called out as an utter shit of an existence.

Must be hard to look in the mirror and be ok.

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