What’s not nearly as attractive as people think?

Oh I'm probably still a bit of a dick (well definitely if you ask my ex-wife) but I just don't broadcast it in HD these days.

I didn't go back to my old career path for a couple of reasons really, I'd burned out completely and just lost any interest and/or passion for it - turns out taking on multiple contracts at the same time and working 120 hour weeks whilst partying hard is easy for a while on coke, but will fuck you hard in the end. I ended up in a state of almost complete physical, mental and emotional collapse tbh, and still have long term chronic mental and physical health issues I have to deal with on a daily basis. I'm not better per se, just doing better if you see what I mean.

Also I just didn't have the desire or drive to push myself as hard as I'd need to if I wanted to 'get back in the game' really... Yeah ok I need to sell my new Xbox at the moment to cover vets bills after my fucking idiot elderly and senile dog ate an entire family size pack of chocolate, but so what, it's just a possession that is replaceable after all, and I don't really care about material things anymore. Everything I own that would truly be irreplaceable or is important to me would fit in a couple of shopping bags, everything else is just stuff. People are important, stuff not so much.

In addition the industry sector I was in was full of assholes like me, maybe not as extreme, but the attitude and pure naked need to be seen as successful and important made Gordon Gecko look like a slacker.

I come from a family of high achievers, and spent far too long desparately trying to be someone and something I wasn't able to be, to make them proud, and that shit is not sustainable. There is a web comic that used to mess my head up, but I'm ok with a lot more things about myself these days.

A softer life.

I'm not perfect by a long shot, but I'm not as fucked up as I used to be, I'm just me, and these days I'm learning to live with that. My very recent diagnosis of ADHD, Asperger's and PTSD is helping me to reframe a lot of what I did and experienced over the 50+ years of thinking I was just another fuck up, so there's that at least.

Anyway, sorry for the info dump wall of text, and the degree of over sharing, take it easy bud and have a good day!

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