What’s a quote that permanently changed the way you look at things?

When people show you who they are the first time, believe them - Maya Angelou

After 22 years, I rekindled a thing with this guy I went to high school with. We were kids, but he was always so polite and soft-spoken. He believed in The Almighty just as much as I do, and he has 1 kid. He was separated from his second marriage, made much less than me and had multiple ailments, but it was all good. It took one month for his mask to fall off, and he called me all kinds of bitches and tried to control me. We were randomly talking about favorite colors, and I told him mine was yellow. It caused a huge fight because he said it should be blue. He said he had a special connection with God...I thought otherwise. I love love watching Dateline, and he said as a leader, hebwouldnt LET me watch Dateline. He was always angry and threatened to whoop my ass in a heated exchange. He wanted to dress me, for football games, nights out and even work! I thought I was so strong, but he talked to me like I wasn’t shxt. But when we were around my family or his, he was an angel! That was the worst 6 months of my life! Not to mention his sex was trash. He was so small I felt like a lesbian.

/r/AskReddit Thread