What’s a rant you’ve been holding in?

Honestly, I think we're the dumbest species out there. I mean who or what would be creating weapons of mass destructions in the case of another war starting? Who thought it'd be a good idea to devide the land into different countries to separate one piece of land from another and that you're on different countries territory if you go across a certain boarder. Like man, I feel like were the same species for a reason, all the bullshit racism or xenophobia and all that stuff should just be put aside to maybe create advancements in our world but instead we spend so much time investing in weapons against eachother to defend our countries when fundamentally were all the same and should be working all together to make a better world for ourselves.

Also I feel like the future generations are going to be so weak that it's going to be tough out there for them. They're basically wasting their life away in front of screens not even realizing how bad it is for them, like truly, once you start reading about the shit that goes into social media, at least for me, my mindset changed immidiately and I limited it and removed a couple apps, and still am dealing with the addiction, cause thats what it is. For context, I'm 22 so I've grown up when facebook was the shit and then instagram and stuff but im currently staying off them, a couple of months of detox, cause it truly is damaging imo.

/r/AskReddit Thread