What’s a realization or idea you had whilst high that stuck with you?

Date everything. Kinda a Doctor Who-vian TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension In Space) epiphany that a time stamp is more a signature than anything else. It happened a few years ago when I first started smoking after legalization here and I was all "woah... time... is the only constant man... I'll change, grow, age, experience, and time will be the only way to measure those changes 0.o... you never know what could become important... man... your shopping list could end up in a museum someday...every measurement of time has value..." so now I put a lil timestamp on everything. If I write in a journal and then add a note or correction later I even date the note so I know when I went back. No regrets, it's a great habit that I highly wink recommend.

/r/AskReddit Thread