What’s the scariest thing you’ve woken up to in the middle of the night?

One night back when I lived with my family, my mom awoke to the smell of nicotine, she thought that one of us (Her 3 kids) had begun smoking. so she went into the living room and saw a figure with a lite cigarette, she knew it wasnt any of her children so she started yelling at him to get out, he then said something along the lines of “I like what you’ve done with the place” and walked out the front door,

my mom then locked the front door and called the police. the police came, and noticed the man was extremely intoxicated. They took him down to the police station and my mom decided not to press charges,

Here’s the freaky part.

He had keys to our door,

We were later contacted by his family who told us he was missing and was on an alcohol fueled bender for a couple of weeks before showing up in our house, turns out the keys were not ours but his, he used to live in the house before us and we never got the locks replaced. We later got our replaces as you can imagine. Always get your keys replaced when moving into a house...

/r/AskReddit Thread