What’s slowly killing you right now?

That's the way I figure I'll eventually quit. I like smoking a lot, but I also know it's bad. I'm 20 now, and I've been smoking since I was 16/17. I just genuinely like the taste and such especially actual cigars. As far as actual cigs though I know I won't do it forever because I fall in and out of smoking a lot. Sometimes I have a couple a day for a week or two then I'm back to almost half a pack a day. When it gets too heavy it makes me want to cut back because it makes me feel worse not better. That and I don't ever feel like I have to have a smoke, I just do it because I like the experience. Tried vaping but honestly it just made it worse, because I'd do both at the same time.

Anyway sorry for the rant to your simple comment, just felt like talking about it.

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