What’s something that you just don’t “get”?

I used to feel the same way, but now that I've been in the fandom for three years—about as long as I used to hate it—all I can say is that really isn't true. I've still come across many a creeper (almost exclusively on Google+ and Omegle…), but most of the bronies I've met are friendly, helpful, and competent, even the ones who are into "that". At this point I don't even care as long as they keep it to themselves.

If you want a good and proper look into the fandom, I can recommend "Elements of Brony", which is a sort of documentary-podcast hybrid. I've also assembled a playlist of the videos from the annual community-voted "top 25 pony videos of the year", which starts with Saberspark's "Brony Chronicles" documentary. Even that playlist doesn't even begin to cover all the great fanworks and people.

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