What’s something that looked fun, but you realized it was horrible once you tried it?

How about we all just be a little nicer to each other?

It's sad that so many people seem to forget that this kind of courtesy and kindness is exactly what makes civilization work. Without it, we would literally devolve into a bunch of endlessly warrring tribes, taking offense at every perceived slight and retaliating with petty acts of destruction and violence. If you think that sounds like hyperbole, just imagine if you flipped a switch and everyone in the world stopped being civil to each other and started acting all petty and rude like an angry traveler yelling at a gate agent.

That kindness and civility is hard for some people because it forces you to take a back seat and put the needs of society before your own. For example when a waiter screws up your order. Do you politely inform the waiter and patiently wait for them to fix it? Or do you get angry, demand they fix it, and then mutter and grouse about it the whole time? Another common example is when someone bumps into you and spills their drink on you. Do you assure them it's no problem and that accidents happen, or do you call them an idiot and demand that they pay for your dry cleaning?

In order to take the high road, you have to suppress your ego just a little bit and recognize that a well functioning society is bigger and more important than yourself. But a lot of small minded people can't seem to do that and instead are always putting their own needs ahead of everything and everyone else.

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