What’s the state of Rust GUIs?

Is this true for gfx in general? Interestingly, glium doesn't behave this way, but looking at gfx_glyph's opengl example's unsafe gl:: calls, is it correct that glium is abandoned and best avoided, in favor of unsafe gl:: calls? Is glutin still active, then?

I'm sorry to ask these questions, but I haven't been able to figure this out from exploring the various crates and their sources. Please let me know if there's a better forum to ask and I'll go over there.

I think I understand the rationale behind "busy redrawing", but allow me to note that it isn't minimal CPU during typical desktop use.

So, if I understand you correctly, not redrawing constantly (as gfx does) makes glium, or its default behavior, less suitable for writing a game. Does this mean gfx isn't the right framework to write a desktop component (e.g. task bar), where you must make sure to be CPU efficient because it's a component you have always running and don't expect to burn through your laptop battery.

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