What’s the strangest backhanded compliment you’ve ever received?

This happened the other day as I was picking up a school-issued computer for one of my teenagers. "Hey, you. Hey! Where do you think you're going? Students go in this door." Thinking they were talking to my daughter (and a little annoyed at how they were talking to her) I kept heading to the parent area to sign off on the computer. Woman runs up to me, "Hey. I said all students have to go that way." Ummm. I'm a parent. "Ohh, haha. I thought you were a student. You look so young." This may sound like a compliment but goddamnit I turn 39 in two weeks and I am sick and tired of rude ass people treating me like I'm a teenager. For the record, when people think you are a teenager, they are rude af. I'm so over it. And yeah, I actually wouldn't mind looking a bit older weirdly enough. I've been waiting all my life to be treated with a little bit more respect. I guess I'll have to wait until I have white hair or something?

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