What’s up with the term Latinx?

That's like someone saying their heritage from northern Italy is completely different than a heritage from southern Italy (and being offended if you mix it up for some reason) or someone saying they have a strong pride for their Cherokee heritage because it's not Chippowa. There's a sad human trait where people are overly focused on what they are that they had no effort in earning. It's like having blue eye pride or being proud that you are tall. Like some white jackass on a dating app saying he's a "pure blood" or whatever.

I can honestly say if someone's identity is that wrapped up in their what, it's because they never accomplished anything in their lives that they are really proud of and they should probably get on that. I guarantee the average Hispanic or Latin individual doesn't care which label they have as they are more proud of their family or their career or their years invested in a sport, hobby, or talent that they developed. Most ordinary people get annoyed when random vocal idiots online keep adding labels to describe them and put them in a box. I want to make a T-shirt that says "please stop trying to categorize me, I know you are only doing it because you are insecure."

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread Parent