What’s the weirdest Devil Fruit in the series?

The Hobi fruit was weird to me mostly because of the side-effect. Like why would it make you lose all memory of them? The obedience makes sense but I feel that he should’ve made Sugar have a twin (yes I know she’s Monet’s sister but not her) and given the twin the memory fruit (diff than pudding’s somehow but idk exactly, prob why Oda didn’t do it now that I type it) but this would allow for the fruits to work as a combo and make the fruit a little less OP because that’s basically an insta kill when it comes down to it. Also the unconscious thing causing the effect to wane is odd because she obvs slept over all those years but her being knocked out causes an insta-crash of the system, just never felt right to me. If a twin was involved it could’ve allowed for them to either turn on each other or one to be turned to the good guys and willingly release their side of the power, or they have a release word only they know and are tricked by Ussop to say it...just my two berries.

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