What’s with all of the panic news stories about declining birth rates and declining fertility? Isn’t this actually a good thing due to overpopulation, famine, etc?

First off, get the thought that the world is over populated out of your head. Your opinion is not fact, nor is that notion backed up by it. You might be able to make the assertion that SOME countries are over populated, which in my opinion is basically anyone that can’t afford to feed and house its people. Not whether it does or not can, but whether it is able. Which most are, and we can sustain much more. Social Systems are built on the idea of expanding populations, which is why and how social security and medicare etc work. More input than output. Which is why some people have been given pause about it. If there’s less input it will fail, it will need to be made up somehow. Which probably means YOU paying more. And those under you paying more as well. Which isn’t right or fair, not fair to those before you who paid in and get less in return.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread