What’s with all of the panic news stories about declining birth rates and declining fertility? Isn’t this actually a good thing due to overpopulation, famine, etc?

Overpopulation is a myth. It really is. The poverty you're talking about has been declining steadily and isn't due to a lack of natural resources in the first place. Our planet can support us. And birth rates will level out when poverty declines. As that's what empirical evidence has already shown us that that's what happens.

As for the decreasing sperm counts, I wouldn't worry about that too much either. If you live a healthy lifestyle many of these issues don't apply to you. That's actually an issue that does deserve attention. Especially during a pandemic. So many obese people in ICU's, but for some reason they like try to cover that up and not show the public? I guess it's because people will think "I'm not obese so I'm fine" but even when some people think that it's still crucially important that people see the effect of obesity. What they're doing is worse than the problem they're attempting to fix.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread